+91-9717883867 info@advsagar.com

Criminal Cases

Criminal Cases

We provide Legal service (Prosecution as well as Defence) to our clients at every level from registration of case till its final disposing off.

It includes various services viz:-
  • Registration of FIR
  • Filing of Criminal complaints before Magistrate under section 156(3) of code of criminal procedure
  • Cyber Crimes
  • Dishonour of Cheques under NI Act
  • Offence Related to Marriages
    • Domestic Violence
    • Dowry Act
    • Adultery
    • Maintenance
    • Child Custody
  • Sexual offences, Assault, Harrasment, Stalking, Voyeurism
  • Offence against State
  • Forgery and Mischief
  • Criminal breach of trust
  • Suicide
  • Filing and arguing of Anticipatory Bail, Regular Bail, Interim Bail before court of session and High Court
  • Filing of Writ petition, Revision, Appeal, Quashing of FIR.
  • Offence Related to Property-
    • Rules and Regulatory Authority
    • Robbery
    • Theft
    • Extortion
    • Cheating
    • Breach of Trust
  • Police protection
  • Divorce by Mutual Consent
  • Restitution of Conjugal Rights

And other laws prescribed by court of law