+91-9717883867 info@advsagar.com

Cyber Laws

Cyber Laws

We provide comprehensive Legal Services to our clients to protect from the cyber crimes and remedy, if they are victim of hacking, phishing, and other mode of cyber crimes. We provide various following services to our clients to face complex changes that are inevitable for the smooth functioning of e-commerce and electronic/digital world, namely:

  • Electronic contracts
  • Procedure before Certifying authorities to obtain License to issue digital signature certificates
  • Security procedure for electronic records and digital signature
  • Proceedings before Certifying Authorities and Controller of Certifying Authorities,
  • Complaints pertaining to the offences or contraventions committed outside India
  • Various types of computer crimes defined under the I.T. Act 2000.
  • Appeal from order of Adjudicating Officer to Cyber Appellate Tribunal  
  • Proceeding before Cyber Appellate Tribunal
  • Digital signatures
  • Proceedings before Adjudicating Officer
  • Proceeding and enquiry/inquiries done by adjudication officers under the said Act
  • Appeal from order of Cyber Appellate Tribunal to High Court

Any other laws prescribed by court of law